divendres, de març 30, 2007

ICT and Videogames: Tim Rylands

For those interested in videogames in education, here's a very interesting site from Tim Rylands, a Primary teacher from the UK who is now using videogames at a cutting edge stage. The use of a game such as Myst in the classroom provides with a wide variety of exploitation possibilities. Don't miss the video about some of his techniques, and visit his site. It will be rewarding, believe me!

dilluns, de març 19, 2007

Thinkingworlds Training in Barcelona 15/16 march 2007

We made it!
The training's over, and the sensations are great!
Our colleagues saw the potential of the tool, and, even though some trimming or tuning might be needed, I'm sure will come out with a very successful project. We have been able to create simple and solid assets covering different areas. Our goal is to be able to create a set of materials suitable for our schools, and to be able to disseminate the potential of this application so that more teachers can feel engaged to this common project. I want to thank Duncan and Rob for their patience and kindness. Added value was their skill to show the potential of Thinkingworlds.

Here are some pictures for you!

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divendres, de març 16, 2007

Guess Who?

It's a pity I can't put the Stevie Wonder song here, because she deserves it!

diumenge, de març 11, 2007

Whole bunch: First shot

Here's a first picture of the whole family: As you can see, the elder ones were not in the mood for interviews, so we leave it just like that!