dimarts, de juny 26, 2007

New hopes... welcome aboard!

Today, Josep, Pepón and Ricard will start their own company... Triple Mortal. We hope to start a new scenario in our lives, something parallel to what we have been doing so far. Even though your life can be as sweet as a cake, sometimes you need some extra topping. This is the time!

Good journey, mates, and thanks!

diumenge, de juny 24, 2007

Back and kicking

I'm back at work... and I don't know who my boss will be! I hope he can let me work the way I like. I've got so many projects!
Here are some pics from late spring. There's a slide show, but I have posted one on its own... you can see why:

And here's the show!

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And something else... I got this from YouTube: A cut from a fallen creature (they call it "fallen angel"), not 150 kms from home. These things tend to turn up fake stupid videos, but this one gives me the creeps, believe me!