dimarts, de desembre 27, 2005

Interesting Link

To all English Teachers who might be interested in putting some literature in the life of your pupils: Visit this site. An interesting work on the story written by C.S. Lewis and the film based upon the book. Enjoy it!

dimarts, de desembre 13, 2005

Elearning Awards

Here's the list with the 2005 elearning awards:

  1. http://www.xtec.es/~jjordan/tecno/cts/daring/index.htm (IES Ronda Lleida)
  2. http://www.videodigitaleducativo.com/ (País Basc)
  3. http://demons.english.cam.ac.uk/book_cover_content.html (UK)
  4. http://matoumatheux.free.fr/accueil.htm (França. Premi especial de matemàtiques)
  5. http://www.linet-pro.net/nodeweb.asp?t=24775 (Israel. Premi menció especial “culture”).
1 & 3 are very advisable for English teachers... don't miss them!!

divendres, de novembre 25, 2005


In one of my previous postings I mentioned two main reasons for being always hectic and busy. Here they are!!
This is to you, Clara and Mònica... my reasons to live

New Challenges... no rest!!

Every day there's something new here at work. You start up in the morning carrying out a task you had been assigned some days before... and there you are!! Something else popping up from behind the smile of someone at the team. New layouts for the old didactical units, brainstorming meetings for future exploitations, revision of new materials... but it's worth the effort! People here like to hold onto new challenges... they grumble, I do, but we take it and we get through it. It's very encouraging to see that your job usually ends up with useful achievements for students and other colleagues. Or at least I do my best to get there.
By the way, that's a picture of mine.

dijous, de setembre 22, 2005

Back here... and everyhting is different!!

Back again after a long time... too busy and too lazy...bad combination.
My professional life has made a very important change. I had to take my time to make up my mind, to make sure the decission was the correct one.
I received a proposal...honest and appealing. It was very catchy, but it meant a dramatic change in my job. I was asked to take up a position as a pedagogycal consultant for ICT in the Catalan Department of Education. It is a very different job, away from the classrooms. Creativity, interaction, team work. I think I'm going to learn a massive amount of things. It was the second time I was offered that position, and I didn't think It was going to happen again for a third time.
I knew I was going to miss students, and my colleagues at school... for 16 years!! But I accepted. I hope it will be a rewarding experience.
And here I am, at the SGTI of the Departament d'Educació, in charge of the English section of www.edu365.com, a catalan web for students, teachers and parents with lots of information and resources. I started lon september 1st, and it's been pretty busy so far: Lots of tasks to complete, assignments to start, and also hours and hours in front of the screen. But it pays!! Time really flies here at the office, and there's always something to do. But the atmosphere is friendly, and people are always ready to give a hand whenever I ask for help or assistance.
I'm going to try to keep you up to date with my new job and my new everyday life.
I will also post interesting websites for you English teachers, so... welcome back!

dijous, d’abril 28, 2005

Back from the NederIands

I'm back!!!
I meant to upload some of my impressions while I was in Nijmegen, but I couldn't find the right time for that. I was delighted to see how things went. My students had a very good time, and they could practice a lot of English. They got on very well with the dutch girls, who really treated them very kindly. They really felt like home. It has been a very deep and valuable experience for them, I'm sure. Besides, they gave me a very good lesson of how to behave when you are abroad. My congratulations to them!
I would also like to thank Ana, my colleague who came along, after Toni's misfortunate visit to Hospital. She has been a very good friend these days, as well as my colleagues Corie and Fred, the teachers in charge of the interchange programme in Nijmegen.

dimarts, d’abril 12, 2005

Outing for a change

El proper dissabte 16 marxem a Nimega (Holanda) amb 13 alumnes de l'institut. És una experiència molt enriquidora per ells, i un xic terapèutica per nosaltres. És una 24-hour-watch, però si les coses van bé, et serveix per descansar de les classes i la necessitat contínua de mantenir l'atenció en una aula amb totes les estratègies possibles. espero que no plogui molt, i la veritat, que passi ràpid, perquè estic segur que notaré a faltar la meva família!!!
Fins la tornada.

dimecres, d’abril 06, 2005

Em presentaré: Em dic Ricard Garcia; visc a Molins de Rei des de fa 4 anys, i treballo a l'IES Secretari Coloma des de fa 16. Tinc dues filles que es diuen Clara i Mònica i una dona que es diu Anna; la pobra també és professora. Soc professor d'anglès i alemany, i m'encanta moure'm pel món de les TIC. Us seguiré explicant coses; a reveure!

dimarts, d’abril 05, 2005


Benvinguts al meu web log!!!
Espero tenir temps suficient per poder posar totes les coses que tinc al cap. És difícil; dues filles em posen les coses difícils (però són maquíssimes).