dimecres, de juny 14, 2006

So... there I was

Yesterday, it was the time for Emmylou's concert in Barcelona. She was together with an english guy... I think his name was Knopfler, or something like that. He was fantastic as well, but that's not the point here. She played and sang like an angel, and at 59, she moves like she did years ago.
I was there together with my lifetime friend Jorge (the guy with the specs in the pictures), he was the one who introduced me to Emmylou's music. Thanks, Jorge!
Her music and her songs sound like heaven, and I felt like heaven! by the end of the concert, she sang "From Boulder to Bimingham", that made me feel younger, about twenty years, more or less.
I don't know if I will ever see her again, but yesterday's concert will be permanently fresh in my memory... a part of the soundtrack of my life.
I've pasted a BubbleShare presentation in large size, I hope the guys at blogger won't go mad at it, but she deserves it!!
I love you girl!!