dimarts, de setembre 19, 2006

The Pope and his fellow comrades

After these glorious words in his speech in Regensburg , the Pope has aroused the wildest and most vicious protests in the world of islam. The faces of the people filled with rage protesting all over the world leave me a deep feeling of fear. They could do anything to quench this rage, and that gives me the creeps... but they could do no more than what christian fanatics used to do in past as well, and that's where the Pope's mistake comes from, apart from his lack of respect towards other religious sensitivities. He shouldn't forget that christianity also used the sword and other weapons to disseminate God's word. That doesn't keep me away from the feeling of repulse towards such signs of fanatism shown by people who still think in such a primitive way... I repeat, and quote my words: "primitive way". The world of the Crusades and Saladdin is long gone, but, even though I have shown my criticism against such mediaeval or even prehistoric behaviour, I can't help to express my rejection for the words of a man such as Benedict XVI, who has had the opportunity to be raised in western schools, not in Koranic schools, and can be theoretically considered an educated person with an open view of the world. He should know what can be said and what cannot. Those protesters in Islamabad or Kandahar didn't probably have the chance to see the world in any other way than the one of the Koran.

Pictures from BBC news

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

1. what you're saying would be enough to hurt any muslim. What is wrong with Koranic schools? Why are Western schools better?
2. Are you sure you were taught to be free-thinking? Are you sure you have a chance to see the world from a different point of view? Are you not a slave of your social rules and your education?
3. The Pope should be able to quote whatever he feels like quoting and to think whatever he believes God has inspired him to think. He is not a diplomat, he's the head of a church that MUST have an opinion. Isn't it true, anyway, that many muslims are ready to use the sword, not the tongue?

Your post is patronizing and it assumes that the so called "Western" culture is better than the rest. Let's be honest! I wish we hadn't lost the capacity we had in medieval times to engage in theological discussions with a bit of sense. Maybe you should get to know Medieval authors, it'd help you rethink a bit everything.