Benvinguts al meu bloc personal. És simplement un lloc on puc expressar les meves idees i sentiments. És l'espai on poso la meva visió del món que ens envolta. Us convido a entrar-hi i deixar la vostra opinió sobre com ho veieu vosaltres.
dimarts, de març 28, 2006
Two very outstanding people. If you ever met them, it would be difficult to find two adjectives to describe them out of: sympathetic, friendly, helpful, humble, honest, hard-working, cultivated, resourceful, sociable... and others. Here's a little homage to them, Toni and Mercè.
2 comentaris:
ha dit...
that's a very nice picture! And you're right... they're also very nice! And I agree, we should celebrate friendship. It's incredible how boring life can be without it.
2 comentaris:
that's a very nice picture! And you're right... they're also very nice! And I agree, we should celebrate friendship. It's incredible how boring life can be without it.
Indecisive... you're alive!!
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