Hi there... sorry about the delay. We've been pretty hectic at home... but results have been very fruitful. Anna (wife) has passed her competition to become a state teacher for vocational education. That is good news, isn't it? But wait, still more coming up... she's pregnant!!!! Third one coming! The family will be enlarged with another crawling creature ready to suck our stamina. That makes me RRRReally happy, believe me. I'll keep you up to date with that.
Maybe these oncoming days I'm going to spend sometime trying to refurbish the blogsite (colours, links...) I'll come back with more posts ASAP.
Take care all of you, will you?
2 comentaris:
Hello!...i ja no se més,la resta serà en català.Primer de tot moltissimes felicitats els dos per l'ampliació de la familia i segon moltissimes felicitats a l'Anna per el seu aprovat.
Anna aquest any és el teu...que vagi molt bé i un petonasu molt gran per tots i en especial per la Clara i la Mónica.
Ah!per cert sóc la gemma.
moltes felicitats!!!! quantes noticies de cop, quins canvis, quina sort!!!!
els meus millors desitjos desde Sicilia,
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