In spite all the bliss and happiness of our holidays, there are things that make my guts flip over. I mentioned something like this before, probably about Irak. But it comes over again. The war in Lebanon does not make out between soldiers and civilians, and innocent children are right in the eye of the hurricane.

How can a single father (I'm sure some of those who shot the rockets have their own children) think this cannot stop? Victims in Qana or in the other towns in Lebanon are dying like insects because Israel claims its right to defend from the threat of Hezbolla. That does NOT justify its cruel actions. We parents should stand and shout against these murders, but how can we?
So far, only tears of rage show our disapproval. I humbly think the state of Israel is digging its own grave; a grave in the land they had a right to claim.
Photographs taken from 11alive, truthdig and decaturdaily
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