dijous, de gener 18, 2007

Back after a long while!

Here I am back from holidays... an later! It's been pretty busy at home, with lots of things to do because of Emma's arrival. She's expected by late january, but she'll probably be with us before. Clara and Mònica are really excited, and they keep calling Emma in her mummy's bossom: "C'mon, Emma, time to come!".
Back at work, I'm completely engaged in Caspian's project. It is really rich and motivating, and I hope we will come out with very good results.
Hey, I forgot: 5 in the family... need for more room... need for a bigger car. Those who want to collaborate.. It's a new 7 seater C4 Picasso... we accept donations!

Anyway, back to work. Here's a very interesting website where you can have your students in a chat room where you can recreate different simulated situations in different sceneries. You can even create your private island, which is good if you want to have a controlled chat in a closed environment. Just don't buy any gadget, they are not necessary, and have fun...very catchy, my colleagues, believe me!

Visit the website and have a try... you won't regret it!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

M'ho has posat a ou, colaboraria si fos altre cotxe ...però un citroen ¡¡¡ però bè, en fi que ho gaudiu molts anys